Tuesday, May 13

Lose 12lbs/year - just by wearing a pedometer!

I read an article about a Stanford University study that showed that people who wear pedometers burn (on average) 100 calories more per day than those who don't. 100 calories may not sound like a lot on a day-to-day basis, but just think - that is 12lbs a year! Definitely nothing to scoff at!

So why do pedometer wearers burn more calories? First, they set goals for themselves. Individuals who aim for 10,000 steps per day will walk around 4x more than those who don't aim for a specific number (that's about 1.5 more miles!).

So if you don't have a pedometer - get one! It doesn't have to be anything fancy, because all you want to do is set achievable goals that you can measure with your pedometer. I got one for free through work, so you may want to talk to your Human Resources Manager to see if there are options available for you & your family!

A few simple ways to increase the amount you walk every day:

  1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  2. Park your car in the farthest parking space
  3. Take a walk after dinner with your significant other, child or a friend. It's a great way to hear about their day!
  4. Encourage co-workers to take walks during your lunch break.
  5. Whenever possible, walk to your destination instead of driving.


j3nn.net said...

That makes a lot of sense. Ever since I started wearing my BodyBugg I want to challenge myself to get the 10,000 "target steps" in.

I also read somewhere that you can lose 10 lbs a year just going up and down stairs 10 minutes a day. I guess it's the little things that add up! The subtle healthy habits that lifelong "thin people" just happen to do without even realizing it.

Sometimes I feel like I just started living... LOL

icee said...

jenn- I'm jealous of your BodyBugg btw....

I think another plus of wearing a pedometer is that it encourages activity. And activity encourages MORE activity. Sometimes I feel like when I get on a roll with moving, I can't sit still!

~ice, who is surfing elsewhere because TDP is on my nerves... lol