Friday, May 9

Weight Loss/Healthy Lifestyle Myths - BUSTED!

I continuously come across individuals who have thoughts on weight loss/how to live a healthy lifestyle that are just completely untrue. So below is a list of some of the most common myths that I have encountered, along with an explanation of why they just aren't true.

  • Low calorie foods are healthful. This is definitely not always a true statement. For example, I'd rather eat a 350 calorie natural peanut butter on 100% whole wheat sandwich than a 100 calorie pack of processed, simple carbohydrates. Plus the protein and fiber in my snack will keep me feeling fuller for a lot longer.
  • I gained 5lbs in one day! There is just no way that you gained 5lbs of fat in one day. Try to remember that it is completely normal for your body weight to fluctuate up to 3% every day. So if you want to find out your "true weight" (or get as close to that as possible), weigh yourself in the morning, after using the bathroom, completely naked. Focus more on your weight loss trends over a period of time (weekly or monthly) instead of focusing on day-to-day changes.
  • The less I eat the more weight I'll lose. I'm a firm believer that it is best to aim for a weight loss of about 1% of your body weight per week (less if you weigh under 130lbs). You need to provide your body with sufficient energy so that you do not enter "conservation mode". Keep your body fueled & nourished, so you have enough energy to live a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • I ate so horribly today - I just ruined all of my hard work. One bad meal won't ruin your progress. Many people take "cheat" meals or even full "cheat" days while losing weight or living a more healthful lifestyle. I think that if you do not eat the foods that you love that you are more likely to give up your lifestyle change and go back to your bad eating habits. So go ahead, live a little.
  • If you aren't losing weight, it's probably because you're gaining muscle. More times than not if you have a calorie deficit you are putting on little to no muscle mass. But this doesn't mean you should stop weight training when trying to lose weight - that weight training will help your body to preserve the muscle that you have, so when you lose weight it will be from the right places (fat, not muscle).
  • Did you hear about the latest miracle diet/pill? Let's try to remember folks - DIETS DON'T WORK! Say it with me! :) The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to teach yourself healthy habits that you can live with for the rest of your life. Once you stop taking that pill, or stop drinking that shake for breakfast & lunch and begin eating like any other normal human being, you are going to gain weight. Healthy living is a change that you have to make long term. I am sorry to say, but there are no quick fixes.
  • I'll gain weight if I eat after 7pm. I eat after 7pm every night, and I am doing just fine maintaining my weight. It is more about the total number of calories that you take in over the course of day, rather than when you take them in. Of course, some people are different and may be affected by late night eating, but for most people eating at night is perfectly fine, and won't cause you to gain. Just remember, you should never lay down after eating at any time during the day - this can cause acid reflux.
  • I don't have to count calories from fruits & vegetables because they are healthy. The last time I checked, fruits & vegetables contain calories, along with a whole lot of other healthy & unhealthy foods. Fruits are actually quite calorie dense (especially when dried or juiced). Therefore, it is important to take any calories you consume into consideration, whether they are from a piece of fruit or a piece of cake.
  • As long as I eat 1200 calories a day, my body won't go into starvation mode. This is probably my least favorite of the myths. So many people give others bad advice by stating, "just make sure you eat 1200 calories and everything will be fine". It is SO important for us to look at our audience before spouting off things like this that aren't one-size-fits-all. Imagine telling this to a 14yr old girl (she will need a lot more calories than that because she is still growing), a 25yr old man that weighs 180lbs, or a 50yr old woman who weighs 210lbs. Does it make sense for any of these people to eat such a few number of calories? Of course not.

2 comments: said...

Excellent list! I agree with all of them. In fact, that's pretty much my philosophy summed up.

By the way, is TDP going to stay like that? I mean, the 100% width display? I liked the way it was before! lol

Ceri said...

Glad you like the list!

I have no idea what is going on with TDP. I am hoping they make some adjustments to the way it is currently displaying, though. Keep your fingers crossed :)